Zschokke Day 2019: Program

2 Steps to Register:
1.) If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so here online by clicking the register button below and filling out the form. (Please register as soon as possible, so that we can organize enough chairs and order enough wine and bread for the party.)
2.) For Zschokke descendants: Please enter your degree of relationship and your branch in the form below – branch means from which of his thirteen children you are descended; in our case for example: great,great,great grandchildren, Branch Achilles – because we want to make name tags that will be handed out upon your arrival.
We look forward to welcoming you in Aarau.
Dear relatives, friends, acquaintances and interested people,
Today, we are pleased to present the program for the Zschokke Day. It will be an entertaining celebration for everyone.
Date: December 1st, 2019
Start: 3:00 p.m.
Venue: KuK (Culture & Congress Centre) Schlossplatz 9, 5000 Aarau
2.) Enter your degree of relationship
WERNER ORT, THE Zschokke biographer will make a short presentation outlining Heinrich Zschokke’s life and political activities in Switzerland.
HOLGER BÖNING, Professor Emeritus of History of the German Press and Modern German Literature, will focus on “The Narrator and Publicist Heinrich Zschokke: A Genius of Popularity”.
BRIGITT FLÜELER, editor and former chief editor at Radio SRF and President of the Stans Historical Association, will report on the miseries of war in Central Switzerland under Napoleonic occupation,
and JAKOB TANNER, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Zurich, will speak about “Helvetics: Liberation, Violence and the Advent of Modern Switzerland”.
The actor, KASPAR LÜSCHER, will entertain us with a scene from his Zschokke solo programme “Where the shadow of a monk falls, no more grass grows”.
There will also be a musical world premiere:
YVONNE NAEF, opera and concert singer, will sing seven songs composed by Heinrich Zschokke, accompanied on piano by LARISA BAGHDASARYAN, and the VocaLadies will perform four choral songs composed by him.
In between, 8-mm, S-8-mm and slide documents from earlier Zschokketagen will be shown and texts from Zschokke’s works by Zschokke descendants will be read out (multilingual).
The whole thing will develop into an open-ended festival to which everyone is cordially invited. We will be discreetly present behind our cameras, because the event will become an important part in the planned film about our ancestor.
With best regards from Sabra Vidali, Adrian and Matthias Zschokke
Zschokke Tag 2019